The 2-Liter TREE DEFEND® with Poly/Viton Valves is set up for trees up to 26" in diameter and is ideal for doing larger volume injections (or multiple, consecutive trees). It includes a 2-Liter Reservoir with Built-in Air Pump and Pressure Gauge, (12) Poly Valves with Viton Seals, (12) Injector Tubes, and a Dual Outlet. To expand for a larger tree, purchase our Extra Tubing Section.
2-Liter TREE DEFEND with Poly/Viton Valves
1 (2 Liter) Pump Bottle
1 Built-in Pressure Gauge
1 Built-in Air Pump
4 Manifolds
12 Poly Valve Assemblies with Viton seals
12 Injection tubes
Flexible Tubing
1 Drill Bit
1 Spare Injection Tube
1 Bottle Stake